Ein Brief aus Banz - Antrag auf Stipendium

Rev. Horst Gerber

Lutheran Church College Banz P.O.Box 72, Mt. Hagen, WHP Papua New Guinea

To the

Evang. Luth. Dekanat Kitzingen C/ Rev. Hanstein

Banz, 28.01.2010

Dear friends engaged in our partnership relation,

This is to inform you that, Mr. Malangton Eliesa, was not excepted for regisitration at DWI in Madang to pick up his studies during 2010. Unfortunately we did not receive any reason nor explanation from DWI yet. Bur we are working to find out wether or not it makes sense to apply again for 2011.

From our other candidate, Mr. Mak Areth, 1 have no information so far. I met him only shortly at the synod and he sounded as he still is trying around to find a place for studies. Which means at least to be postponed again to 2011.

But in the meanwhile, Pastor Maikel Taikeka, the chaplain of the college has been accepted for his bachelor-course at the Martin Luther Seminary in Lae and is due to leave still this week. His school fees will be K 1.650 for this year. The course will only be for one year, which means he will be back for teaching at the college next year already. His family will stay back at the college anyway.

Therefore we do ask the partnership to sponsor Pastor Taikeka with the above mentioned amount. We ask you kindly to transfer € 500 to Neuendettelsau that it can be included with the next pledge to the Financedepartment here in Lae and may be picked up by the MLS. After our telephone conversation yesterday I have written a Statement in your name for Pastor Maikel to the registrar of MLS.

Thank you so much for your assistance,

Principal Joseph Benson

Rev. Horst Gerber, Rep MEW

Rev.  James Kaiapa, Chairman Partnership Comittee